Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas 2019

 Dearest Harper,

Because I'm off work to help Daddy with his shoulder surgery, we were able to spread out our Christmas celebrations and really enjoy the time with our families.

First up - your yearly photo with Santa!


We met Bop and Monnie in Sutter's Creek for the day. We ate at a restaurant, went shopping and wine and cheese tasting, then opened gifts out of the backs of our cars in a parking lot. It was a really good day. 

We spent the day making tamales with Daddy's family on the 23rd, like we always do. Then we ate so many of them and opened gifts together as a family.

Christmas morning was just us, then we went to have dinner with Nana and Papa and family.

I love you,


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

 Dearest Harper,

I worked Thanksgiving this year, so all I have is a photo of the traditional double smooch we took after I got home. I wonder why Daddy didn't take any pictures of your time spent with family... 

I love you,


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween 2019

 Dearest Harper,

You chose to the the Queen of Hearts this Halloween. Occasionally you'll even yell, "Off with their heads!"

You and I went trick or treating in our neighborhood while Daddy handed out candy. After a few houses on our own, we met up with a girl in your class named Kyle, and her little sister Cameron, and did the rest of the neighborhood with them and their family. At every house you said, "Come on, Kyle Murphy!" (There's another Kyle in your class.) Your candy bucket got so full and heavy, you didn't want to hold it anymore! I know you had a great time, and it was fun to trick or treat with other people. 

Your smile never ceases to warm my heart. I saw a lot of it tonight, and it makes me so happy.

I love you,


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Your Fifth Birthday

 Dearest Harper,

Mommy and Daddy came to school with you today for your birthday. We brought cookies to share with your class to celebrate YOU. 

After school, we took you miniature golfing for the very first time! You had a blast! So did we - you are such a fun kid!

Traditional double smooch - with attitude this year! Actually, you just wanted to be silly.

Imagine our excitement when you chose - all on your own, a Star Wars themed birthday party! I had so much fun planning it - tons of ideas for food and games. But, this was the first year I didn't make your invitations myself. I had a small amount of mom guilt about that, but got over it quickly when the ones we ordered came out totally adorable!
You colored this and wrote the words, and we hung it on the front door.

I did your hair in Princess Leia buns! And of course you wore a Star Wars shirt.
Another awesome cake, or cupcakes rather!
We made Chewbacca bookmarks...
And light sabers out of pool noodles.
And played a bean bag toss into the Death Star (which I drew and colored myself! TOLD YOU I had fun planning!)

You really are turning into an amazing little girl. You are so very smart, and funny, and easy going, and kind, and thoughtful. You are such a good girl. You make Mommy and Daddy proud on a regular basis. We hope you have a great year as a 5 year old, sweet girl. 

I love you,


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

First Day of TK!

 Dearest Harper,

Because of your birthday, you have to do TK, or transitional kindergarten, instead of going directly into kindergarten. You're totally smart enough, you could totally hang, but alas, the rules are the rules. You'll always be one of the oldest kids in your class.

We walked you to class and you sat down right away to color as the kids trickled in. You weren't scared or nervous or anything. You're so easy going.
Your teacher, Mrs Mooney, sat all the kids down and read The Kissing Hand.
A few days after the first day of school, this was hanging on the wall. I am so proud that you're such a happy kid!

I hope you have an amazing year, filled with learning, and friendships, and fun, and adventures. 

I love you,


Thursday, July 4, 2019

Fourth of July 2019

 Dearest Harper, 

Another super fun party at our friends' Jason and Danyel's house!

The sass is strong with this one! You're like a little supermodel here!

You did really well in a big pool with waves from the big kids!
Double smooch!
The neighbors were out front making s'mores with their family while we were doing fireworks. Danyel took you over to say hello (because their son is the same age as you) and of course they gave you a s'more, which you came back and ate while you watched the fireworks. A little while later, you came walking back with ANOTHER s'more! Look at that smile!

I love you,


Thursday, May 9, 2019

Muffins with Mom

 Dearest Harper,

Your preschool class hosted Muffins with Mom, in honor of Mother's Day!

 I waited a LONG time to be a mommy and have the opportunity to experience something like this. I was so very excited, and it totally didn't disappoint! 

I love you,


Thursday, April 25, 2019

A Health Scare

 Dearest Harper,

We noticed, with bathing you, that there was a lump under your left nipple. We took you to your primary care, who felt it in there as well. He was concerned it might be a breast bud, like perhaps you were starting puberty WAY too early. He referred us to a pediatric endocrinologist, who also felt it in there, and ordered some lab work to see if your hormone levels were too high. You had to get your blood drawn for the first time, and that was rough. It's awful for a parent to have to hold down a terrified child. But the labs came back normal, and we had a follow up with the endocrinologist (which was super funny hearing you try to say!) which deemed you still in the clear, so you're still super healthy and there's nothing to worry about! Thank goodness!

 Stay healthy, my beautiful, happy little girl. 

I love you,


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day 2019

 Dearest Harper,

We got you the perfect shirt for Valentine's Day!

In pre-school you made a box and filled it with valentines from all of your classmates.
After we picked you up, we went to hair appointments. We got there a little early, so we went to the restaurant next door to have a snack and pass the time. The owner came out and gave you a free hot chocolate because, in her words, she had never seen a cuter, more well behaved little girl. It absolutely made your day! Look at that smile! Priceless!
Traditional double smooch!

I love you,


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year 2019

 Dearest Harper,

What will this year hold for us, love? Hopefully continued health, and happiness, and lots and lots of laughter.

I love you,
