Monday, August 24, 2015

Ten Months!

Dearest Harper,

All of our work teaching you sign language has finally paid off! You sign "milk" when you're asked if you want it, and it is, hands down, the cutest thing ever. I can't wait until you sign more things; it will make communicating with you so much easier.

Daddy taught you how to give high fives in an afternoon. You're a smart cookie! You give them in your own way though - multiple whacks on the hand, rather than just one. You wave at the baby in the mirror, and at us when you see us. You pull your toys out of the box and give them to us to play with. I play with them like you do - hold them over my head, hit them on things, yell at them, and you watch me, smiling the entire time.

You continue to be the star wherever we go. You are complimented and admired by strangers and family and friends. You're a beautiful little girl, very well behaved, mild mannered, happy, and fun. Keep up the good work, my sweet, sweet girl!

I love you,
