Thursday, May 24, 2018


Dearest Harper,

Yeah, pre-preschool isn't really a thing, but there was a program offered through our local park and rec district - 2 hours 2 days a week for kids 2.5 to 3.5 years old - and we thought it would be good for you. Since you don't go to day care, we thought it was important to find a way for you to socialize with other kids before you REALLY start preschool. You started January 16th of 2018 and your last day was May 24th. You absolutely LOVED it! We're not surprised...

Here you are, walking with Daddy on your very first day.

Here you are on the first and last day of school. You look taller. Also, our mat looks dirtier...

 These are the thank you/end of the year gifts you made for your teachers. You wrote your own name on both!

Here you are posing with your teachers, Miss Rashauna and Miss Allie, on the last day of school.

And here you are with your preschool certificate! You look so happy and proud!

 I sincerely hope you enjoy and do as well with the rest of your schooling as you did pre-preschool.

I love you,
