Friday, October 24, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Dearest Harper,

It's really November 5th as I write this, and you're sleeping peacefully right next to me, but to talk to you about the day you were born, better post date it to the day (and time!) you were born.

We slept decently that night, Daddy better than me. I set the alarm for 340am, because I wanted to shave my legs and make sure I was clean and sparkly for everyone who would be seeing my nakedness during the hospital stay. We got ready, packed the last minute stuff, and left the house a little after 5am. It was a little chilly out, and the foggiest I've seen it in a long time, but granted, I'm not usually out of the house at 5am!

We arrived at the hospital and walked up to Labor and Delivery, checking in right at 530am. We were greeted with happy smiles by night shift, who walked Daddy and me to the pre-op room, which, because I work with absolutely amazing people, was decorated beautifully just for us!

I changed into a gown and Danyel, our very good friend and the nurse we hand picked to take care of us during your delivery, got me ready for surgery.

Finally, it was 730am, and time for us to go to the operating room. I wasn't nervous, because I knew I was in the best hands possible, since I work with the people I chose to take care of us. I went with Danyel and Daddy waited with your Grandmas and Grandpas until it was time for him to join us. Given that this is what I do for a living, it was totally surreal to be the patient. I knew what was going to happen and what was happening based on what people were saying, and experiencing things first hand I've only ever just told patients about was just weird, but in a very cool way because I knew it was all leading up to meeting you.

I got the spinal, which made me super numb super fast. They laid me down on the table, and put the catheter into my bladder. They prepped and draped me for surgery, and Daddy came in, sitting on a stool right by my head. They made the incision at 745am. Not long after I heard them say, "Manuel, stand up." Daddy stood up and looked over the drape and watched as they pulled you from my tummy - our much desired, much anticipated, much loved baby girl born at 747am. Daddy bent down to me and said, "She's beautiful!"

The next thing I know, someone said, "Jess, look to your left." I did, and there you were. I laid eyes on you for the first time and fell in love deeper and faster than I ever knew was possible. There are no words to describe that feeling. You were perfect. And beautiful. And Daddy and I made you. And I grew you and kept you safe and healthy. And I birthed you. And I would do anything for you.

I got to hold you skin to skin for a bit before they took you to the warmer to clean you up, assess you, and weigh and measure you. It was easily one of the best moments of my life - meeting you, holding you, touching you, kissing you for the first time.

You can see in Daddy's eyes that he's pretty darn in love and happy too.

You were born on Friday, October 24th, 2014 at 747am. You weighed in at 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and measured 19 inches long. Your Apgars were 8 and 9.

I deliver babies for a living, as does everyone in that room that day, and we'll all be the first to tell you that newborn babies aren't always cute. In fact, the vast majority aren't; they're born looking like old men. Of course Daddy and I thought you were the cutest baby on the planet, but in truth, so did everyone else who saw you, and I know they wouldn't have said so if they didn't really mean it.

While they finished the surgery and cleaned me up, Daddy got to introduce you to your Grandmas and Grandpas for the first time.

We spent an hour or so in recovery, where we loved on you and tried to wrap our heads around this whole baby and parenthood thing.

We eventually moved over to post partum, where, again thanks to awesome co-workers, we had the biggest private room on the unit.

After a relatively uneventful recovery and hospital stay, we went home to start our life as a family of three on Monday afternoon.

So far this new life is better than we could have imagined. You are amazing and make us so very happy. 

I love you,


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