Dearest Harper,
I have a lot to update!
We figured out at my doctor's appointment last Friday that my blood pressures are good and nothing to worry about, so obviously you didn't get induced this week.
Yesterday you turned 38 weeks!
How did we celebrate, you ask? By going to Labor and Delivery because I thought maybe my bag of water had broken. I woke up to go to the bathroom at 3am, and after returning to bed, I felt wet. It wasn't an obvious gush, I just felt wet in general. So I got up and cleaned and went back to bed, and sure enough, after a while, I felt wet again. After trying to figure it out on my own for 35 minutes or so and still not being 100% sure, I texted my doctor, who told me to come in. After showering and throwing the last minute stuff in the hospital bag, Daddy and I got there just a tad before 5am. They were expecting us and got us in a room right away. You were playing hide and seek with the nurse who was trying to put you on the monitor, little stinker! She finally found you, and your heartbeat was beautifully reactive the whole time we were there. They did a test to see if my water was broken and checked my cervix - which was only a fingertip dilated, still thick, and you weren't even engaged in my pelvis yet! Given that unfavorable cervical exam, I was relieved the test came back negative, saying the water hadn't broken. Daddy and I were out of there an hour after we checked in. We stopped to get breakfast on the way home, then went back to bed with nice full bellies. I love full belly sleeping, even if it's bad for you.
Today we had a regularly scheduled appointment to check on you, but also an ultrasound to estimate your weight, since my tummy has been measuring a few weeks ahead with the tape measure (because I'm chubby with belly fat to begin with.) As you've been doing for the entire pregnancy, you measured exactly what your gestational age is, and they estimated you weigh 7 pounds 3 ounces. Your heart rate was 153 beats per minute. My amniotic fluid level is 7, which is on the low end of normal, but nothing to be worried about. According to the ultrasound, you're perfectly happy and healthy in my belly.
But the ultrasound did reveal something we weren't expecting - YOU'RE BREECH! You are your Mommy's daughter; I have absolutely no sense of direction either, so you come by it honestly that you're in there upside down. After a bit of discussion with Daddy and the doctor, we decided to do a cesarean section, and scheduled it for next Friday, October 24th at 7:30am. I contacted the anesthesiologist and nurse I want to take care of us, and they're 100% on board. That's one of the perks of working where I'll be delivering you - I can hand pick everyone and make sure we're given the best care available.
You'll be 39 weeks and 1 day, and totally ok to join us on this side of the world. While it's not what we planned, Daddy and I are ok and are relieved that, unless my water breaks or I go into labor in the next week, we know when you're coming; there's no more unknown. We have a plan and a date and know when to expect you, and in all honestly, we couldn't be more excited. I keep looking at Daddy and saying, "This time next week, she'll be in our arms!"
I love you,
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