Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas 2021

 Dearest Harper,

Well, this year's picture with Santa is so much better than last year's, but if I had known you had to keep your mask on, I would have color coordinated better...



Since I worked Christmas Day, we woke up and celebrated and exchanged our gifts the morning of Christmas Eve. 

 Then we went to celebrate and have dinner with GG and Grandad and that side of the family. When we got home, we quick prepared for Santa's visit by setting out cookies and his magic key, and doing our double smooch.

 We woke up extra early Christmas morning, before I left for work, to see what Santa left for us.

Then you and Daddy surprised me at work! Well, you can't come inside the hospital because of Covid, but you left me a surprise in my car to find when I came home at the end of the day! It made me smile so much!

We planned to meet Bop and Monnie a few days after Christmas in Sutter's Creek, to visit and exchange gifts, but we all caught a small cold and our Covid test results weren't back in time, so we had to reschedule. Still, nearly 2 years later, this pandemic is affecting so much of our lives, but it's really better to be safe. We ended up giving each other our gifts when we saw them while visiting to say goodbye to GG, and planned to open them together via Face Time.


We ended up having Christmas with Gaga and Agi and that side of the family on New Year's Eve, when we got together for Tamale Day, since it had to be postponed from the usual date because Gaga had a Covid exposure (but thankfully didn't catch it.) There's no family picture because Auntie Cassie actually got really, really drunk from the tamale tequila.

A weird Christmas this year, with the cancellations and having to be flexible and adaptable, but this pandemic isn't over yet, and being safe is the most important thing.

I love you,


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