Saturday, October 24, 2015

Twelve Months!

Dearest Harper,

Happy first birthday, my beautiful, beautiful girl! I am amazed at the little person you're becoming. You have a little personality - you're so happy and fun. You like to play with your toys, look at your books, play with Mommy and Daddy. You are really good at keeping yourself occupied while Mommy and Daddy watch TV or play video games, or grade papers, or whatever else keeps us busy. You're smart, you know how to play peek-a-boo, you point at the light when we ask you where it is, and although you know the receiver for the TV is off limits, you'll still go over to it, looking at us the whole way, making sure we're watching you do something you're not supposed to. When we tell you no, you stop, look at us, smile, and inch closer. You love emptying drawers - the Tupperware, the dish towels, your shoes, your diapers, Mommy's socks. You're not so good at putting it all back though. You walk really well when you have something to push, but don't quite have the confidence to do it on your own, even though everyone can see that you'd be a-ok if you just did it. You'll do it when you're ready, I'm not worried.

I reached my goal of breastfeeding you for a year! I am so very proud of this I am thankful I have a job that is understanding and accommodating, allowing me breaks to pump since I returned to work in February. My milk, for a while now, hasn't been enough to keep up with you, so thank goodness I froze a bunch in the beginning when it was. I'm going to talk to the pediatrician when we have your 1-year visit and learn everything there is to know about switching you over to cow's milk, but I'm not sure I want to quit breastfeeding altogether. I really enjoy nursing you to sleep, it's good snuggle time, and I think I want to continue that until you're no longer interested.

You are an amazing little girl. You have made this last year an absolute joy. Your easy going and mild mannered nature have made it very easy to be your parents. We were worried that it would be hard to adjust to having a baby in the house, given that we were so long without one, but nope; we've loved every single second. You are the blessing we hoped for for so many years. We love you more than words can even begin to describe. You continue to amaze us, every second of every day. You are everything we longed for, and more. We constantly wonder how we got so lucky to have YOU as our daughter.

Happy birthday, sweet girl.

I love you,


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