Sunday, May 24, 2015

Seven Months!

Dearest Harper,

Despite your pediatrician telling us babies don't usually crawl until 7, 8, 9 months when we told him we thought you were getting close, you crawled at 6.5 months (May 10th, to be exact.) And not, life as we know it, has changed. You're everywhere! Your favorite places to go? The speaker wires and the dogs' water dish, of course!

Your kisses are giant, open mouthed, spitty things of love. We say, "KISSES!" and you come at us. I love them.

We got your ears pierced on May 15th. I felt like the worst person on the planet, knowing you were going to get hurt for no good reason other than we thought it would be cute. You handled it like a trooper though, like you always do. It took you so long to cry after the first one that it occurred to me that you may not cry at all. Then the cry came, and you meant it, but because you're awesome, you were over it after a minute or so. And now you have little (fake) diamonds in your ears, and just when I thought you couldn't be any cuter, there you go, proving me wrong. And if ever you have a little girl, may I suggest piercing her ears early too - you don't play with them to get them infected, you weren't scared because you didn't know it would hurt, and you'll never remember the pain.

We started teaching you baby signs so we can communicate before you're able to use words. We use "milk", "eat", and "all done". We try to use "doggy" when you pay attention to them. I keep meaning to use "tired/nap/sleep" when we put you to bed, but I forget a lot.

You continue to be an absolute joy in our lives. Everyone says you're one of the most beautiful babies they've seen - and of course they're correct! Your personality is just as beautiful - you're happy, always smiling. You're really good at keeping yourself entertained - we can sit you on the floor with a box of toys, and you'll play happily for an hour or so. It's fun watching you become who you're going to be, one little milestone at a time.

I love you,


1 comment:

  1. Enjoy reading your blog and learning about your family. Loved hearing about your daughter getting her little ears pierced. Think you were a smart mommy, not a mean one for having her ears pierced when mommy can care for them, plus they look so darn cute with little earrings.

    I always dreamed of having a little girl with cute little pierced earrings. I was unsure doing it as an infant or not, but our pediatrician encouraged me to do it. Although her office didn’t do them, she gave me some tips for mom having their babies and little girls ears pierced for finding best person, place and type of earrings.

    There is nothing sweeter than a little girl with little pierced earrings poking through their hair especially with little pearls. Pearls are for little girls for sure. It makes them look so feminine and ingénue. Our daughter is six now and is girlie-girl and loves changing her earrings to match her dresses.

    Any moms looking for more research on “to pierce or not to pierce,” drop me an e-mail for our ped’s suggestions.
