Friday, February 27, 2015

Four Months!

Dearest Harper,

Four months old... Man, time is flying!

I returned to work this month. The anticipation of it was way worse than actually doing it. I do miss you something fierce when I'm gone though. Daddy and Grandma send me pictures, which helps, but when I come home, I just want to hug you and never let go. Because I'm away from the house for about 13.5 hours on work days, I get nervous that you won't remember who I am when I get home, but so far, every night you've given me a big smile, so I think we're good.

You have a new thing this month where you won't sleep during the day. You're obviously tired, so I'll feed you and you'll fall asleep, but the second I lay you down in your crib, you wake right up. Same thing with Daddy while I'm gone at work. You have no problem falling asleep in our arms, but once we set you down, you're awake. We don't want you to be the kind of baby who can only sleep when held, so we keep trying. The part that makes it super frustrating though is that by 5 or 6 pm, when you haven't napped, or haven't napped enough, you're a MESS. You're exhausted, so you cry and cry and cry. Nothing makes you happy on these nights. We don't want to give you your bath and put you to bed that early because you'll wake up in the middle of the night, so we try to keep you happy until 730pm at the earliest, but some nights it's hard. We can't relax because you're so unhappy. And it's your own fault. We can do everything else for you - feed you when you're hungry, clean you when you're dirty, entertain you when you're bored, love you when you need snuggles, but only YOU can put yourself to sleep. Everyone says it's a phase you'll outgrow. We can't wait. We miss our happy girl.

Developmentally, you're reaching for things and actually getting them. Everything goes in your mouth, including your newest favorite - your feet! You love looking at yourself in the mirror, and really, who can blame you - you're beautiful! Your curly hair, dark, long eyelashes, and happy smile make for one pretty girl!

Daddy and I are still blown away that we made you, that you're THIS awesome, and that you're ours.

I love you,


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Time for Real Food!

Dearest Harper,

They say you can start giving your baby real food between 4-6 months of age. You've been showing an interest when we eat for the past two weeks or so, watching the fork go back and forth between the plate and our mouths and watching us drink. Daddy and I are huge foodies - we LOVE food - so of course we're excited to set you on the same path. Here we are, feeding you real food for the very first time - avocado.

Your faces. The gagging. The green drool - who knew it could all be so fun and adorable?! By the way, Mommy made a rookie mistake and didn't give you a bib. I thought I could control the mess. I was wrong. And apparently, avocado stains. That shirt went in the garbage...

Here's to many more food adventures. Soon we'll be on gourmet burgers and creme brulee!

I love you,


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy First Valentine's Day!

Dearest Harper,

You were beautiful in your red dress! And, of course, we held to our tradition...

Normally, Daddy and I don't really celebrate or do anything special for Valentine's Day - why should a day be set aside to show your partner you love him/her? You should do that every day!

I love you,
